

I-Plan is a web application for supply chain planning, optimisation and execution. It supports the entire business process from demand planning through supply network optimisation, production planning, inventory planning and ultimately provides a service for instant on-line Delivery Date Quoting using the Available to Promise / Capable to Promise engine (ATP / CTP).


I-Plan is scaleable and modular and can add value to any organisation from a single site production operation with a handful of users, up to the largest network of production sites, warehouses and customers; with complex transportation, product mix and market demand patterns and managed by hundreds of collaborating users.

I-Plan has open interfaces to any fine planning and shop floor control system and integrates with the chosen ERP solutions of the collaborating parties, the most common being SAP R3.

Users of I-Plan can expect to see:-

  • Reduced production costs through optimum alignment of supply and demand
  • Improved customer service levels derived from and improved production and inventory strategy
  • Reduced inventory costs from overall reduction in inventory and dynamic inventory planning
  • Reduced distribution cost due to improved supply planning
  • Reduced delivery lead times
  • The ability to accurately quote realistic delivery dates
  • Overall improved customer service performance

The product comprises 5 modules and an integration suite. The individual modules support each other in an end to end business process but, in many cases, are implemented individually and integrated with other business systems:

  • Demand Planning
  • Master Planning
  • Production Planning
  • Inventory Planning
  • Available to Promise / Capable to Promise (ATP / CTP)

I-Plan was developed for Trading Science Ltd, and is being used by several customers over the world. Please contact Trading Science with inquiries about demonstration or possible purchase of I-Plan.


Demand planning (forecast) screen:

I-Plan - Demand planning grid

Demand planning (forecast) graph screen:

I-Plan - Demand planning graph

Gantt chart screen, used for production planning:

I-Plan - Gantt chart

Technical details

I-Plan is a web-based application using multi-tiered approach. Database layer is done as stored procedures in Oracle or MS SQL Server, business logic layer is done as COM+ objects written in C++, and presentation layer is done on ASP, providing the information to Internet Explorer browser, using several custom ActiveX components to provide enhanced interactivity. The data exchange between layers is done using XML, applying XSLT stylesheets to convert and adapt the data to each layer’s needs.

This product is in support and development for 8 years, with a team of developers changing from 5 to 15 people, and a dedicated QA and support team of 3-7 people, depending on the customer needs.